Our Funders
Thank you to our funders, who make the work of the Center for Rural Strategies possible. Major funders include:
Acton Family Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Carnegie Corporation
Chorus Foundation
Hearst Foundations
Hearthland Foundation
Henry Luce Foundation
Impact Assets
Lilly Endowment
LOR Foundation
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
The Miami Foundation (via NewsMatch)
Nathan Cummings Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Scripps Howard Foundation
Waterman II Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation
And more than 300 individual donors to the Daily Yonder.
Statement Concerning Editorial Programs
The Daily Yonder operates independently from other Center for Rural Strategies projects and personnel in making editorial decisions. Dee Davis, president of the Center for Rural Strategies, is publisher of the Daily Yonder. Editorial decisions are the purview of the news staff, directed by the editor, Tim Marema.
We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals and organizations for the general support of our editorial activities, but news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support. Acceptance of financial support does not mean the Daily Yonder endorses donors or their products, services or opinions. A full statement of editorial independence can be found on the Daily Yonder website.